sari in sus de bucuriehehe he he he'i asa?sentimentu asta mai rar.cica fericirea nu se refera la starea generala de bine dar nu poate exista fara's fericit cu o stare generala de naspa,ca nah...i'm feeling good ish.sunt aproape there..peste o saptamana o sa fiu topaind de adrenalina si valuri de emotie..haha.mi se pare ca's asa urban shit cand zic d'astea e de bine.azi e soare..recomand calduros un scris pe trup ca sa nu va fie cald si un concert sa explodati in pantaloni..enjoy.
duminică, 30 septembrie 2007
marți, 25 septembrie 2007
no cigar life support
The bruise at the base of my spine is butterfly shaped, dressed and downstairs. My mother's eyes flinch away from a skinniness I'm obvlious to. Lank-haired ; skin splotched with bruises like split wine. Some few drunken srangers trying to lock their eyes into a body thats slowly disappearing, sitting-curled in on myself : at the centre of this, there must be a sort of purity if I just work myself in a little deeper. The bones that catch the cold and hold it must point somewhere. Waking, snared in the limbs of someone I never see again - an unfamiliar voice trying to pin me down with sleep-fuzzed concern. He's slack. Flesh bags round his waist and I'm repelled, I'd do anything not to have to touch. Curling tighter around a hunger that cuts to the bone, trying to find the centre that must be round here somewhere.
I don't mean anything by this. Building myself into a screen of songs - lyrics and an oddly sweet after-taste that comes back to me from this time to time. Glint of street-lights the same brightness and shine sits in the palm of my hand. It's only ok as long as I'm not thinking, and I'm not thinking. Sour-sweet, caught in the back of my throat and swimming through my fingers. It curdles over orange plastic, spatters the newspaper and I'm neither releived nor dissappointed sickened and numbed over - yet underneath this, a quick thrill fizzes my veins, sparks a separate life into me. The machine at my side thrums blood sealing - wax coloured. It catches and sucks back, back on itself. This clattering starts whenever I move, chemical smell rises in my throat, gets stuck there and I just want to get out. Dull sunlight catches the plastic chairs and over-full dustbins outside the window - and I know that it will all settle back ..
meanwhile,back in communist russia
joi, 20 septembrie 2007
te'am mirosit bine inainte sa te iau in totu.aa si erai sarata..dar dulce sarata,si nu intr'un mod nasol.erai buna la gust,ca sa zic mi s'a parut ca nu ti'a bagat capul in io am dat sa plec si cand l'ai ridicat iar,mi'ai muscat o dup'aia..a fost frumos.te'ar fii ajutat daca incercam sa trec mai departe?m'am uitat ca prostu la tine,toata,si am ras cand ti'am privit sanii albi.heh..ce culoare..racoare cu lumina rece de primavara si pana la'am inteles bine.stii?maine ne vedem iar,dar acum e toamna.
marți, 18 septembrie 2007
sunshine cartoons,we be cruzing
they say a picture's worth one thousand words.well with these words i'll paint a picture in your mind that will blow you far caught up in a mad man's paradise,let go of this world so a better one can rise.oh where is love?\:d/your life is on the line you're on www dot out.\:d/..
hehe.a bad man's lie into my eyes..done mush up myself.done fuck up.done shut up..just let my music play.uhuu..good morning wake up call.try my sex jazz
pop art mad sex love craze hit pills global tickle blonde fuss glass mania
luni, 17 septembrie 2007
just take me's gonna be allright
poate ca undeva departe va fii altceva.voi avea un foc si'o tigara,o raza de soare,si nu voi stii ca ma doare.un gand s'a dezlipi si s'a lipit de geam,o floare s'a uitat la mine.n'ash fii plecat daca stiam ca'mi va fii atat de bine.m'am certat cu timpul prea mult timp.lacrima ta este sare peste rana mea.poate ca sunt vise care m'au schimbat.poate sunt maini care ma stiau dar m'au,eu n'am iertat.un vis mi s'a'mplinit.n'ash fii crezut,nu mi'ash fii dat o sansa.m'am certat cu timpul prea mult timp.poate ca sunt maini care m'au atins si m'au,eu n'am iertat.
that little junky girl,you're playing right into her hands,u know...;))i need a friend yo get me on my feet again:small sins
don't be dumb don't be dumb please don't be dumb,now don't be dumb.
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